Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happiness and Inspiration :)

As cliche as it sounds, i truly believe that happiness and inspiration are two of the important factors that can make a person successful in life. Although everyone has their own definition of happiness and what makes them feel good, I feel like all human beings share a common sentiment to advance and make something out of themselves. To one person, attaining happiness might mean becoming a professional tennis player, while to another it might mean becoming a world-class physician. Whatever it is, in my opinion, every person wants to prove something to himself/herself. Inspiration and encouragement are also very important to reach a goal. my high school biology teacher has inspired me to pursure a career in biology. The way he taught and the type of labs we did in class really generated interest in me in a field that is rapidly increasing in competition. These days, I am getting better at viewing the glass as half full rather than half empty, maily because of my parents who inspire me to think positive in tough situations. I sincerely believe that all a person wants to be at the end of the day is satisfied with the turns his or her life is taking. Although that might not always be the case, everyone wants to work toward that goal. This idea of happiness and how it means something different to each person is interesting to me and that is why I decided to write about it in my first blog :)